Alan Connett
I am a non-religious Funeral Celebrant, living and working for most of my life in Devon. My work as a celebrant is accredited with Humanists UK.
My career started in journalism before I moved into corporate communications with several large organisations. For the past 25 years or so, I have been a local councillor, served as a school governor and also taken part in cycle events, such as London to Paris, raising money for charity.
Bringing together the skills acquired during my working life are an important part of being a Celebrant. They help to create memorable events and to tell the story of a life well lived for the person who has died.
I am non-religious and a member of Humanists UK, which is a member of the Funeral Celebrancy Council and follows the Funeral Celebrancy Accord.
If you would like to discuss a funeral or have any questions, please get in touch. I will do all I can to help you.